Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Lovell Canyon - Camping Apr 21, 2013

Lovell Canyon

Riding up at Lovell Canyon is a good way to get into a higher elevation area with big trees and different wildlife without having the biggest baddest off road rig. The road is tame compared to other roads in the Spring Mountain Recreation Area. Cooler temperatures mixed with an easier terrain make this road a prime location to take someone who may not have much experience ATV riding in the summer time. It offers that back country feel without putting someones life at risk.

We strapped all of our camping gear to the ATVs and set out on Lovell Canyon road for a nice camp spot and this is what we found. 

 My wife, Courtney didn't waste any time taking full advantage of the hammock we rigged up. It got really cold at night, so it might be worth pushing the camping trip back from late April to early May next year but it was still fun.

In the morning we went for a ride heading towards the town in Trout Canyon. If you have time to go look for it there is a spring near the abandoned coral that is pretty interesting, although I forgot to take a picture of it.

All in all this is a nice area to go for an easy ride and take in some wildlife. You can see the Mountain Blue Bird up here which is the Nevada State bird. I'll try to get some pictures of one soon.

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