Sunday, February 3, 2013

Blog Intro


 My name is Josh and ever since I was a young man I have always had that itch to be an explorer. I see a road heading off into the mountains and want to see where it goes. I scour over maps for hours and hours trying to find new places to go.

Ancient man has always fascinated me. My belief is that the history we were taught to believe growing up is far from the truth. Each civilization and society have different stories about creation and how the world came to be. Many beliefs including Christianity believe that a god or gods descended from the heavens, taught man in various disciplines and set rules for man to follow. In almost every story this god left with the promise to return one day.

When I first moved to Las Vegas I thought that it was just a baron desert outside of the city. Little did I know that the Southern Nevada area has been teeming with life for thousands, if not tens of thousands of years. Every weekend my friend Paul and I head out into the different areas surrounding Las Vegas. Every week we find different mines from the mid to late 1800s from the early Mormon settlers, Petroglyphs from the Paiutes and even from the earlier Anasazi Tribes, fossils, interesting rock formations.

Our main method of travel is by ATV. When we are miles and miles from the nearest road safety is always the biggest concern. I want to make sure that I make it home to my beautiful wife, Courtney. Safety is an even bigger concern when she rides along. In the event of an injury there would be no way to get an ambulance back to us, so a helicopter would be the only method of escape. When traveling on the back roads it is important to keep track of exactly where you are in case of an accident. You want to be able to tell a 911 operator (given that you are lucky enough to have cell phone reception) exactly where you are to minimize response time.

Every week I will use this blog to document our trip and the various things we find, along with my theories about them.

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