Monday, February 18, 2013

Gold Butte, NV Feb 17, 2013 Part 1 - Abandoned Corral

Part 1
Abandoned Corral

Just northwest of Whitney Pockets near Gold Butte, NV we had to park kind of far from where we wanted to because there was nowhere to park. I guess that is just what happens on holiday weekends. Anyway, near where we parked we saw a sign that said Arizona - 8 miles and decided to go to the border and see if anything was there. We knew we couldn't go inside Arizona because we didn't purchase our Arizona tags this year. Anyway we found a road heading up into the mountains and this is what we found.

Keeping this one short and simple. When we decided to go to Gold Butte I had no idea this Corral was even here. Just goes to show that when you get out and explore you never know what you might find!


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